Laura Schmitt Olabisi, Ph.D
Dr. Laura Schmitt Olabisi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Community Sustainability and the Environmental Science and Policy Program at Michigan State University. She is a participatory systems modeler, and works directly with stakeholders to build models that foster adaptive learning about the dynamics of coupled human-natural systems, and to integrate stakeholder knowledge with academic knowledge. She has worked in communities in Southeast Asia, West Africa, and the United States on a range of issues in agriculture, food and natural resources. Laura holds a doctoral degree in Systems Ecology from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, and a B.Sc. in Environmental Science from Brown University. She is the president-elect of the United States Society for Ecological Economics. Laura was a AAAS Leshner Leadership Institute Public Engagement Fellow in 2018-19, and is currently a board member of the Academy for Systems Change, a non-profit organization dedicated to training systems leaders for sustainability transformations in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
Johnny Musumbu, Ph.D Student
Kyle Metta, M.S. 2016, Ph.D 2020
Currently: University of Kansas Center for Community Health and Development
Dissertation title: Seeing the Rest of the Community: Using Complex Systems to Reveal the Structure and Function of Interdependence
Masters thesis title: Time Famine in an Age of convenience: A Systems Perspective on Food Insecurity in Detroit.
Patricia McKay, Ph.D Candidate
Nahid Sattar, Ph.D 2019
Currently: Bangladesh Agricultural University
Dissertation title: The Freshwater Aquaculture Revolution in Bangladesh: Impacts on Land, Water and Livelihoods.
Udita Sanga, Ph.D 2019
Currently: Stockholm Resilience Centre
Dissertation title: Beyond Adaptation: Exploring transformative pathways to socio-ecological resilience in agricultural systems in Mali
Obafemi Elegbede, Ph.D 2018
Currently: International Trade Administration
Dissertation title: Off-Grid Solar Electricity Adoption in Nigeria
Jelili Adebiyi, Ph.D 2018
Currently: Michigan State University Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
Dissertation title: A Livelihood and Systems-Based Approach for Understanding Drivers of Adoption and Disadoption of Organic Farming in Ibadan, Nigeria
Tum Nhim, M.S. 2015
Currently: WaterSHED
Thesis title: Towards Building Drought Resilience of Rice Production in Cambodia From a System Dynamics Perspective.
Sarah Herbst, M.S. 2011.
Currently: Perrigo
Thesis title: Mining in the Caraga Region, Philippines: Insiders’ Perspectives on Emergent Social and Environmental Problems.